So, it has been a while since I have blogged. I have been suffering from pretty bad depression lately. A little known fact about me is that I suffer from Bipolar II and Borderline Personality Disorder. I was diagnosed when I was 19. So, 6 years later, I'm doing pretty well and have learned how to cope much better than I was when I first started college. But when things flare up, I isolate myself. But I have been sitting around, reading a lot of posts on Facebook and message boards for Dev and PWD.
A post that has been around for a while caught my attention again. It is a discussion for those who have gone from a fantasy dev to a reality dev. I am obviously now a reality dev. Being in a long distance relationship with a C5 quad is an amazing feeling for me. I am truly in love, and can't wait until we can close the distance. Things have been a struggle lately, especially with the distance being double what it was in July. But we are making it work. We have to. But it is a struggle. We Skype as often as we can, but some weeks even that is sparse.
I had never heard of Devs/Devotees until a couple years ago. I was a huge fan of Covert Affairs and was completely attracted to Auggie Anderson, a character on the show. For those who don't know, the character was an injured vet who was blinded in Iraq. I was totally turned on by him being blind. So, I had gotten a Kindle and began reading books with disabled characters. Some were blind, others were paralyzed. But to me, they were so attractive. I just wanted to keep reading and keep fantasizing about it. At this point I was an unknowing fantasy dev. I had written a story many years ago, when I first began to have "Dev Feelings" about a high school boy who suffered a spinal cord injury that left him a paraplegic. I had joined message boards on AOL and Yahoo, trying to learn everything that I could about spinal cord injuries. They intrigued me beyond belief. And when I saw pictures of boys/men with spinal cord injuries, I would get really excited. I struggled with these feelings for years, because they weren't "normal" and when my family learned about these feelings, they were not happy with me.
So, really, for me, everything was always fantasy until I could make it a reality. And it was difficult. I was so excited to find a community that was like me. Because for most of my life I thought that I was the only person out there who had these feelings, and my family thought that I was crazy for them. I had been in a few relationships before my current one. They were all able bodied men. However, I was always still looking for that perfect guy. None of them to me was perfect. None of them were really sexually attractive to me. My first two boyfriends were really more just the excitement of a guy asking me out. They didn't last more than a month each, and there was a year in between them. Then, my senior year of high school came, and I dated a guy for a few months. He still wasn't right for me though.
It amazes me now, looking back on my life in high school and college how unhappy I was because I was lying to myself. I wanted what was considered a "normal" relationship because that's what I was told that I should have. But I was not truly happy because I could not be myself. Now that I'm myself though, I'm really happy with life. Because I'm finally in a relationship that feels right to me.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Feeling Isolated
Being a Devotee, I often feel very isolated when it comes to my relationship. Not with my boyfriend, but when it comes to supports that many other wives and girlfriends receive. Even though I am a dev and I chose and honestly prefer a relationship with a PWD, it doesn't mean that I don't deserve the support still. My boyfriend goes through the same struggles as the other spouses with spinal cord injuries go through. This is one of the struggles of the distance as well. I'm not there when things come up. I'm not there to learn how to handle situations. And it makes being a SCI girlfriend difficult. Because I can't give support and I feel like I don't deserve support.
For a period of time after LegalQuad and I started dating, I was a member of Apparalyzed. For those who don't know what that site is, it's a site for those with SCI and they have places for spouses and carers. It is supposed to be a place of support. However, because I was new to this world and didn't fit exactly like other spouses and loved ones, I was assumed to be a dev, which left me as a target on that site. While I still may log in to check on certain subjects, I have learned to not add in my two cents. Several months ago, after months of reading an online blog by a woman who's husband is a C4 complete quadriplegic, I decided that I was going to try a different support group on Facebook. All the women in this group are incredibly nice. They have so much knowledge about topics that come up in the world of spinal cord injuries. And they really are accepting. However, after a question the other day in the group asked if wives and girlfriends met their spouses before or after their injury, I realized that I'm still the minority. Not because of being a dev, but because I met LQ so long after his injury. Most of these women have been with their spouses through every step of their injury. I see these women grieving and supporting each other through that. I seem them talk about their experiences and their feelings, and I still feel like an outsider. These women live the SCI life all day, every day. They had no choice in the matter. They have lost so much and have pushed through it. Their strength is amazing.
But I'm not that person. I haven't been there through everything. Hell, I'm still not there for most of it. A few weeks ago, I went to an out of town wedding with LQ and his parents. It was truthfully the first time I have really experienced the difficulties of the SCI life. Not that we hadn't before. There were weekends that we spent together when his aide didn't show up on time or that I needed to get him up or start putting him to bed. But that weekend really put the difficulties into perspective. But it's not something that I would trade. The arguing among his parents I would have, but I would have liked to have learned how to problem solve some of the issues that we had. Because when it comes down to it, those are situations that we will run into down the road together, and I need to be able to come up with solutions also.
I feel isolated amongst so many groups. I'm a dev, but I'm still a fairly new dev. I've only known that I'm a dev for a year and a half. I'm still new to the SCI life. I've only been with LQ for a little over a year. I have so much more learning to do. And I still need support. Because when situations come up in the SCI world, you don't just know. But it's nice to have someone to talk to about it. And honestly, I just feel like I don't. I don't know what kind of support I'm even looking for anymore. I don't know if I'm looking for Dev support or other SCI spouse support. But I'm lost right now because I don't know where I belong.
For a period of time after LegalQuad and I started dating, I was a member of Apparalyzed. For those who don't know what that site is, it's a site for those with SCI and they have places for spouses and carers. It is supposed to be a place of support. However, because I was new to this world and didn't fit exactly like other spouses and loved ones, I was assumed to be a dev, which left me as a target on that site. While I still may log in to check on certain subjects, I have learned to not add in my two cents. Several months ago, after months of reading an online blog by a woman who's husband is a C4 complete quadriplegic, I decided that I was going to try a different support group on Facebook. All the women in this group are incredibly nice. They have so much knowledge about topics that come up in the world of spinal cord injuries. And they really are accepting. However, after a question the other day in the group asked if wives and girlfriends met their spouses before or after their injury, I realized that I'm still the minority. Not because of being a dev, but because I met LQ so long after his injury. Most of these women have been with their spouses through every step of their injury. I see these women grieving and supporting each other through that. I seem them talk about their experiences and their feelings, and I still feel like an outsider. These women live the SCI life all day, every day. They had no choice in the matter. They have lost so much and have pushed through it. Their strength is amazing.
But I'm not that person. I haven't been there through everything. Hell, I'm still not there for most of it. A few weeks ago, I went to an out of town wedding with LQ and his parents. It was truthfully the first time I have really experienced the difficulties of the SCI life. Not that we hadn't before. There were weekends that we spent together when his aide didn't show up on time or that I needed to get him up or start putting him to bed. But that weekend really put the difficulties into perspective. But it's not something that I would trade. The arguing among his parents I would have, but I would have liked to have learned how to problem solve some of the issues that we had. Because when it comes down to it, those are situations that we will run into down the road together, and I need to be able to come up with solutions also.
I feel isolated amongst so many groups. I'm a dev, but I'm still a fairly new dev. I've only known that I'm a dev for a year and a half. I'm still new to the SCI life. I've only been with LQ for a little over a year. I have so much more learning to do. And I still need support. Because when situations come up in the SCI world, you don't just know. But it's nice to have someone to talk to about it. And honestly, I just feel like I don't. I don't know what kind of support I'm even looking for anymore. I don't know if I'm looking for Dev support or other SCI spouse support. But I'm lost right now because I don't know where I belong.
Monday, September 5, 2016
Happy Anniversary!
Today is LegalQuad's and mine 1 year anniversary. We met at the State Fair because that is where he was going to school and I knew that I would be able to convince my family to go out there (side note: I don't drive, which is why I needed my family to come with). We were at a Luke Bryan concert the night before that caused us to get home extremely late and we had to be up early in the morning. We drove 2 1/2 hours to meet who would become the love of my life. He was dressed in a white wheelchair love t-shirt with khaki shorts on. I was so excited and nervous to meet him. I barely slept the night before, both of excited nervousness and regular nervousness. No one in my family knew before we met that he is quadriplegic. Needless to say, that did not go over well with myself and my family. However, after a year and multiple trips to go visit LQ, things have gotten better. When he took the Bar Exam, he was in my city to take it, so he came over a couple times during his 4 days here.
This year has been crazy and incredible all in one. I have been happier with him than I ever have been before. He is understanding to my over-emotional self. He sometimes even gets weepy with me. We have both given our all to each other. He was my first and I was his traditional first. I was the one he experimented ED medications with. He has let me explore as much as I want. We honestly have full trust in each other. I have cried out of excitement, fear, and sadness of having to leave him. I have learned not only the the amazing parts that come with having a boyfriend who is a high level quadriplegic, but the challenges that come to having a boyfriend who is a high level quadriplegic . I stayed up the night his aide never showed and he had to call emergency personal for help getting into bed and emptying his leg bag because of the shocks and pain he was experiencing. I have learned what shocks are, and that we need to figure out what is causing them before they lead to AD. I have laughed until my belly hurts at his goofiness. I have worn daily since Christmas the turtle ring that he got me.
I would only trade about 1-2 days of this relationship. He knows what I am talking about when I say that. It was a rough weekend where nothing seemed to go right. I was really upset when I left because nothing went as planned that weekend. However, that's how relationships work. Nothing is perfect. And honestly, that's how we learn more about each other is when these rough weekends happen. Things are never perfect in any relationship. And we learn how to overcome things when they are not perfect.
Both LQ and I have grown so much with each other over the last year, and I cannot wait to see where we go from here! I love you babe, and can't wait for the rest of our lives.
This year has been crazy and incredible all in one. I have been happier with him than I ever have been before. He is understanding to my over-emotional self. He sometimes even gets weepy with me. We have both given our all to each other. He was my first and I was his traditional first. I was the one he experimented ED medications with. He has let me explore as much as I want. We honestly have full trust in each other. I have cried out of excitement, fear, and sadness of having to leave him. I have learned not only the the amazing parts that come with having a boyfriend who is a high level quadriplegic, but the challenges that come to having a boyfriend who is a high level quadriplegic . I stayed up the night his aide never showed and he had to call emergency personal for help getting into bed and emptying his leg bag because of the shocks and pain he was experiencing. I have learned what shocks are, and that we need to figure out what is causing them before they lead to AD. I have laughed until my belly hurts at his goofiness. I have worn daily since Christmas the turtle ring that he got me.
I would only trade about 1-2 days of this relationship. He knows what I am talking about when I say that. It was a rough weekend where nothing seemed to go right. I was really upset when I left because nothing went as planned that weekend. However, that's how relationships work. Nothing is perfect. And honestly, that's how we learn more about each other is when these rough weekends happen. Things are never perfect in any relationship. And we learn how to overcome things when they are not perfect.
Both LQ and I have grown so much with each other over the last year, and I cannot wait to see where we go from here! I love you babe, and can't wait for the rest of our lives.
Monday, August 29, 2016
What is Happening?
Honestly, this is a more personal post for me than anything else. My life is crumbling before my eyes. I have had to make the decision to leave my graduate studies program that I was attending for multiple different reasons, but the last straw was that one of my teachers has decided that I was not ready to be a teacher and student teach and took it upon herself to go to other faculty in the program and it was agreed to fail me in one course so I would not be ready to student teach in the Spring. This leaves me with tens of thousands of dollars of debt for nothing.
This also leaves me with a boyfriend who doesn't know if he wants to be with me anymore. Long distance is never easy. It is especially not easy when he spent months prepping for the Bar Exam and I spent the rest of my summer crazy busy. However, when you live in the Northeast United States, you learn that summer is short and winters are long and that you need to enjoy the summer while you can. However, this does not leave time to go visit your boyfriend who is now 6+ hours away from you instead of 2 1/2. This has been a struggle that has been incredibly painful and honestly taking a terrible toll on us. And as hard as I try to not let it, it just is. Even though I can do nothing about it. Especially since I go back to work on Thursday.
And now, I will go back to crying myself to sleep because I don't know what is happening with my life. Maybe I'm not meant to ever be in a relationship. Maybe I am destined to spend my life alone. Maybe I just shouldn't be alive. Maybe I am really a nobody and a nothing. My life plans have never really worked out. Maybe this is just a continuation with that.
This also leaves me with a boyfriend who doesn't know if he wants to be with me anymore. Long distance is never easy. It is especially not easy when he spent months prepping for the Bar Exam and I spent the rest of my summer crazy busy. However, when you live in the Northeast United States, you learn that summer is short and winters are long and that you need to enjoy the summer while you can. However, this does not leave time to go visit your boyfriend who is now 6+ hours away from you instead of 2 1/2. This has been a struggle that has been incredibly painful and honestly taking a terrible toll on us. And as hard as I try to not let it, it just is. Even though I can do nothing about it. Especially since I go back to work on Thursday.
And now, I will go back to crying myself to sleep because I don't know what is happening with my life. Maybe I'm not meant to ever be in a relationship. Maybe I am destined to spend my life alone. Maybe I just shouldn't be alive. Maybe I am really a nobody and a nothing. My life plans have never really worked out. Maybe this is just a continuation with that.
Friday, July 22, 2016
I have spent a lot of time thinking the last few days. I'm not sure what has gotten into me lately, but I have been extra melancholy compared to normal. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it leads to a lot of thinking. I almost failed a class at school, but luckily the professor gave me an incomplete, which was very generous of her. So now I have a few more weeks to finish up my work and turn it in. But, that's not what this post is about.
Tomorrow is LegalQuad's and my 1 year talkivessary. This is huge to me. Given my past, I was really afraid that I would never find someone that I loved and who loved me back. This has truly been an amazing year. It is crazy that it has been a year since he first sent me an email. The email read
It was amazing how someone I was so interested in could live so close to me. We are only about 2 1/2 hours apart from each other right now. On August 9th he gave me his phone number, and on August 10th we stopped talking through the messages on the website where we met. One August 16th we stopped just texting and began to Skype with each other. You see, there are a lot of firsts coming up. Tomorrow is the first of many big firsts with out talkiverssary, and on September 5th it will be our 1 year anniversary. On September 3rd, before we met for the first time in person, we talked on Skype for over 4 hours. We had done a lot of phone talking, but this was such a long time. We chatted, I "met" his aide for the night, an we just talked and enjoyed each other's company. I am not going to get into our first "date" AKA our first time meeting. That will be a post for our anniversary.
Tomorrow is LegalQuad's and my 1 year talkivessary. This is huge to me. Given my past, I was really afraid that I would never find someone that I loved and who loved me back. This has truly been an amazing year. It is crazy that it has been a year since he first sent me an email. The email read
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I just went back and re-read our first few talks. And I laughed at them. Because he was new to the Dev game, and I was too, and neither of us knew what to say or how to act. We have learned so much from each other over the last year. We have learned to relax a bit as well. I was reading the Blog New Dawn, New Day, New Life the last few days, looking back on Kristen's blogs. While we are not 100 % in the same boat, there is so much overlap also. I think about all the firsts that we still have to go with each other, and I am thrilled to think about them. Truthfully, they give me something to look forward to. They give me the drive to graduate and find a teaching job so that I am no longer tied down to where I live now. I have read so many stories about quads who have been fathers post injury, and I look forward to that first time. I never posted a blog post about the first time we had sex. But that was my first time ever, and it was quite the adventure. But it just adds into the experience of firsts.
My first time staying the night at LQ's apartment led to a complete breakdown, because I wasn't mentally prepared to witness and be part of his care. But I knew that I wanted to be. It was definitely an area that I struggled in for the next couple of visits. However, it did get better, and now I am just used to it. When his aide gets there, I go to the couch and sleep, and once he is in the bathroom I can go back to bed and sleep in bed until he is done. It is just routine now, and doesn't really bother me much. He likes to joke with me about how I can just go from one place to another. I was really worried though about handling the aides, especially after the meltdown that I had. But together we made it through that.
I love when I am able to look back on our firsts, and see how far we have come from those firsts. And I love to think about what our new firsts will be like. I can't want to see where life takes us from here, but stay tuned and I am sure you will find out!
Monday, April 11, 2016
The Ten Things I've Learned From Dating a Quadriplegic
As I travel back home from an ever glorious weekend with my
boyfriend, I can’t help but think about what I have learned over the last 7
months in this relationship. This
relationship has not been easy by any means.
While we live 2 ½ hours away from each other now, his home is actually 6
hours away. Breaks, vacations, and
holidays are spent 6 hours away, and I am reminded again what a real long
distance relationship feels like. But
there are so many things that I have learned though.
is a Virtue.
Each and every day that we are together, I remember this. Because very little of what we do can be done
at the drop of a hat. Whether that be
eating, going out, or going to bed, it just doesn’t happen quickly or
spontaneously. Yes, some of this stuff
we consider to be spontaneous, however, they may be a 20 minute ordeal. But that’s ok, because we get to do it all in
the long run. And the more we do things,
the quicker I get at them. This trip,
for the first time, I was using a different hoyer lift system to transfer him
from his chair to the bed and back.
Learning something new, scared the crap out of me. But, we did it. And I mean we, because it took him walking me
through things and being patient with me as I learned how to do it without hurting
him or dropping him (which is one of my biggest fears).
Learn to
Trust Yourself
Getting into any relationship is taking a big leap of faith. Getting into a long distance relationship
with a Quadriplegic, an even bigger leap of faith. And I needed to learn to trust myself and my
abilities, because he counts on me for things.
The first time I went to spend the weekend with him, I had a freak out
after I left. Because I wasn’t sure I
could emotionally handle the physical hands-on needs. But I took a step back and looked at
myself. And we talked it through. One of the things that helped me the most was
learning how to help my boyfriend by one of his aides. She taught me a lot of the ropes, from
transferring him in and out of bed to range of motion stretches in the
mornings, right down to how to change his leg bag/night bag and even how to
manage his bowl program. And I have
begun to develop a trust in myself to be able to do this. It has not been easy. And I still worry about doing certain things,
but I know that I could do it if I need to.
Being able to trust myself lowered my anxiety in the relationship, and
it honestly helped us to be more open about things.
Communication is KEY!
The last two things that I have listed are nothing compared to this one
here. He and I have really learned that
we need to talk about everything. We
have talked about everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly. We know each other’s fears and concerns and
what really pleasures each of us. One of
my biggest fears has been that I have not pleasured him enough, because I am
pretty limited in the physical pleasure department with him. But we talked it through, and his pleasure
comes from pleasuring me. But it’s not
something that I would have known otherwise.
Because up until we talked about it, and until this weekend, I was
terrified that I wasn’t satisfying him enough.
I learned though that I really am satisfying him, and he does me. We discuss so many different things and I
could do an entire post just on that. We
discuss at length our comfort levels with each other doing things, and
especially me doing things for him. He
is worried about me becoming overloaded and resentful, which is understandable
for him. But we talk a lot about this to
be sure that I am alright doing things, which I am.
It’s Not
All About The Penetrating Sex!
Yes, as a complete quadriplegic, my boyfriend cannot get a hard on. Possibly with pills he could, but without
them, it’s just not happening. Honestly,
right now he is actually suffering from Penile Retraction also. This makes it where his penis likes to hide
in plain terms. It goes back in on
itself, almost like it’s in a protective stance. No matter how much I play with it, it does
not come out. But as I tell him, it’s
OK. Because it’s not about the sex. He can pleasure me in other sexual ways, and
he certainly does. I have done a lot of
research, looking for new and better ways to pleasure him. And he appreciates everything that I
Creative is Important
This in a way goes back to number 4.
I have learned to be creative in my ways of both pleasuring and
multitasking. While we, at the moment,
cannot have penetrating sex, I had an idea of giving him a back and shoulder
massage while he was on his stomach in bed.
This was not an easy feat by any means.
Because I thought through how to roll him onto his stomach, but not how
I was going to roll him back over again.
And I kind of freaked out trying to not completely lose it. But we got through it. And he really enjoyed not only the massage,
but the fact that I was looking for more creative things to try to please him
as best I could. The same can be said
about how we spent this weekend, with me finding new ways of cuddling because
his bed was in a different position. We
have learned creative tactics.
Dogs ROCK!
So, my girl Illi needs to get a shout-out here. I love this dog, and I have learned a lot
about service dog etiquette in the process.
I was not new to the disability world when we started dating, but a
service dog was not something that I had ever really encountered. I have a friend who has trained her own
service dog, but it was a different type of service dog. Miss Illi though, she is really awesome. And of course we have people staring at us
all day when we take her out, but what person wouldn’t do a double take when
they see an 85 lb Golden Retriever walking around the mall? I personally have a little more of a relaxed
view on how people approach others about service animals. However, I hate that they just do “drive-by
pettings” when they walk by and just touch her, even if they are asked/told not
to. It is a huge pet peeve of mine
actually. However, Illi does play an
important role in my boyfriend’s life, which is important to me.
Will Happen That Are Out Of My Control
This is a hard lesson for me to learn.
Because I want to help and stop everything that can be harmful or
hurtful. It’s just my nature. But I can’t, I’m still only human. And I hate that! Where my boyfriend’s injury is, he gets what
is called Autonomic Dysreflexia. In
other words, it’s a warning system that something in his body below his level
of injury is uncomfortable. It doesn’t
necessarily need to be a pain signal that is causing it, it can be something as
simple as a wrinkle in his pants or something as severe as his catheter is
clogged. However, it leaves him with
high blood pressure which can be potentially serious. And it kills me deep inside when he goes
through that. Because I know how
dangerous of a situation it can be. And
it honestly scares the crap out of me.
But, I also need to and have started to realize that there are things
that happen that are not in my control, and they can never be. When we are together, there are things that I
can do to try to alleviate the discomfort, but I am not in control of it
all. These are just natural warning
systems that his body has. And being
You Can’t Live With Them, You Can’t Live Without Them.
The first weekend that we spent together, I met his one aide. I was only there Saturday to Sunday, and we
only spent the one night together. But I
really liked this aide. So, the next
time I went to see him, I was there Friday night to Sunday. Friday night I met a different aide who just
wasn’t 100% sure about me and me being there, which I understand. But I have said my peace to my boyfriend
about his aides, LOL. While he has a couple
that are really good, they all seem to have time management problems that
hinder on him going to bed. And when I’m
there, on me being able to go to bed as well.
And when I don’t sleep, I am not a pleasant person, LOL. Anyone who knows me can attest to that. However, after getting him into bed this
weekend because we did not know if one of his aides was going to show up, I can
say that I really appreciate them and what they do for him. His aides are pretty easy going with me
around even, which I really appreciate.
And the one even helped me learn how to care for him if we need to,
which will always be helpful in the long run.
So really, you can’t live with them, but we certainly can’t live without
Will Always Be A Learning Curve
As we get older, we think that we know so much and everything. It’s all part of growing up. Especially when you are in your 20’s and
trying to live your own life. However,
this life that I am moving into is one that is more difficult than the one that
I’m coming from. It comes with more
medical things, more steps, and more planning.
However, I am learning through all of it. I am learning about myself. I am learning about him. I am learning helpful information about what
a real relationship is, and what it’s like to have someone love me. I am not going to learn everything overnight
about him and how to take care of him and how to love him best. But the point is is that I’m learning. I am learning every day. At least once every two days I am looking
online for new information on how to make our relationship the best that it can
be. I spend a lot of time asking him
questions that only he can answer. Because
that’s how I’m going to learn. And he is
a great teacher about not only the physical parts of his disability, but the
emotional parts as well. I have learned
his vulnerabilities, his worries, and what makes him feel better. And I have learned that we both need a lot of
reassurance LOL.
This Is Just A Normal Relationship In Many Ways
are both pretty fresh into relationships again.
I was never one to really date a lot, and neither was he, both of us for
various reasons. We came into this
relationship with our worries and concerns, but our excitement and pleasure as
well. When we met for the first time, I
was ecstatic, and just couldn’t control my excitement, worry, and giddiness
LOL. While we face different challenges
that a lot of couples face, they are not any more difficult than what others face,
because you don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. We have the good, the bad, and the ugly in
this relationship. But I love him to
pieces and cry so hard every time we have to leave. And to me, that is what true love really
is. I don’t love him despite his
wheelchair and paralysis, it is just another reason that I love him. I don’t ignore the disability, I embrace
it. I take joy in the things that we can
do and I don’t focus on the things that we can’t. Because that’s what a relationship is all
about. We do a lot of give and take, and
there are definitely times that I feel like I am giving more physically than
what I am taking. However, I know that
emotionally he is giving a lot as well.
We face challenges, but we get through them, with a smile on our faces
and love in the end <3
Monday, March 7, 2016
The Hardest Thing I Do
Every day, I get up for work. I work with children who have severe disabilities. I am hit, kicked, spit at and screamed at almost every day. It is not an easy job. And we are coming off an incredibly difficult period of time at work. The kids were off the charts, they were angry, violent, and just completely unpleasant. And I wasn't sure how I was going to get through it. But, we trudged through, and made it through. Not without threatening to quit several times. Things finally seem to be calming down a bit in life.
But that isn't the hardest thing that I do.
My boyfriend is a C5 complete quadriplegic. He has no purposeful movement below his elbows. His elbows bend, but do not straighten without letting gravity take a roll. His hands are completely paralyzed, as are his wrists. He needs help with many different things. He cannot just get in and out of bed whenever he wants. He cannot just eat whenever he wants. When it's cold outside, he cannot even just go outside whenever he wants. Thank God his service dog is so great and can go outside without her leash sometimes, because he cannot even hook her up by himself. Being a devotee, I am attracted to the paralysis. No one ever said I have to like the difficulties that he faces. Because honestly, they can be very tough to watch. Especially when you are watching through a computer screen.
However, this still isn't the hardest thing that I do.
The hardest thing I do every day is when I have to say goodnight through a computer screen. And I crawl in to bed, alone, curled up with his sweatshirt wishing that I could have more than that. That is the hardest thing I do. The hardest thing I do is hold in the tears when all I want is my boyfriend and to be a typical couple. But we are not. And I just keep pushing through until we can close the distance. But on nights like last night and tonight, I just keep thinking about the hardest thing I do.
But that isn't the hardest thing that I do.
My boyfriend is a C5 complete quadriplegic. He has no purposeful movement below his elbows. His elbows bend, but do not straighten without letting gravity take a roll. His hands are completely paralyzed, as are his wrists. He needs help with many different things. He cannot just get in and out of bed whenever he wants. He cannot just eat whenever he wants. When it's cold outside, he cannot even just go outside whenever he wants. Thank God his service dog is so great and can go outside without her leash sometimes, because he cannot even hook her up by himself. Being a devotee, I am attracted to the paralysis. No one ever said I have to like the difficulties that he faces. Because honestly, they can be very tough to watch. Especially when you are watching through a computer screen.
However, this still isn't the hardest thing that I do.
The hardest thing I do every day is when I have to say goodnight through a computer screen. And I crawl in to bed, alone, curled up with his sweatshirt wishing that I could have more than that. That is the hardest thing I do. The hardest thing I do is hold in the tears when all I want is my boyfriend and to be a typical couple. But we are not. And I just keep pushing through until we can close the distance. But on nights like last night and tonight, I just keep thinking about the hardest thing I do.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Tonight is just my night full of worry. Every now and again my anxiety gets like this, and my brain just goes on massive overdrive. I have two dogs at home. One is my 16, almost 17 year old mutt. The other is my soon to be 9 year old beagle that we just got in November. My 16 year old has been having some neurological problems for a few years now in his back end and he also has a blocked gland on his tail. The gland has given us nothing but a problem lately, and it doesn't help that we have a purebred beagle that just sniffs and attacks blood at all costs. He chewed a hole in a pair of jeans that had blood on them. He can be such a nutcase LOL. Well, this sore on my 16 y/o dog's tail now has an ulcer on it and he is just so miserable lately. It is killing me because I know that his days are starting to become numbered. He is having a harder time getting up and down the stairs, he is falling more, and he is just not a fan of the beagle, so I don't think that is doing him any good. I'm so afraid that within the next month we are going to have to put him down because we have had him for 15, almost 16 years. More than half of my life. I know that he has had a good life, but he is still my baby, my puppy, my boy. I'm just really heartbroken over that right now.
I'm also worrying about my relationship with LegalQuad. He graduates in May with his law degree and takes the Bar exam in July. After that, I don't know what exactly is going to happen. The most likely situation though is that he is going to move back towards home, which instead of being 2 1/2 hours away from me, will make him 6 hours away from me. And it just makes me so sad to think that that will be the case. Because it won't be so easy to see each other. Skype dates are great, yeah. And we are lucky enough that right now we can Skype at least 4/5 days out of the week. But I know that things are going to be changing, and really soon in the grand scheme of things. And it really worries and upsets me. And of course I'm afraid to bring it up, BIG SURPRISE! The distance kills me already. I was there the last two weekends with him, and on the ride home Sunday, I cried probably 2 1/2 hours straight. I literally just couldn't stop. Because I wanted nothing more than to just be there and stay with him. Because with him, everything just seems right. Everything fits. We just fit together like two peas in a pod. I have finally reached a level of acceptance about him having aides around a good portion of the time, and his needs, especially in the morning and at night. I am very thankful for them, and he has some really great aides right now.
I just don't want to lose him because of distance. I don't graduate until May of 2017. And I will be student teaching that Spring. I know in my heart that it will all work out in the long run. But right now, I am just stressing over the unknown. And I can't even bare to verbalize it all. Because it's just so jumbled and unknown at this point. I know I shouldn't be worked up about this, because right now, I don't even know when I'm going to see him again. It's just all so overwhelming right now. In less than a month we will celebrate our 6 month anniversary. Well, I will at least because I'm going to pull the gender card here and say, he's a guy and doesn't necessarily think about these things, LOL. But I really found the man of my dreams here. It is an honest and true feeling. His words just fill my heart with happiness and love. It's just something that I have never felt before. And it's something that I never want to let go of <3
I'm also worrying about my relationship with LegalQuad. He graduates in May with his law degree and takes the Bar exam in July. After that, I don't know what exactly is going to happen. The most likely situation though is that he is going to move back towards home, which instead of being 2 1/2 hours away from me, will make him 6 hours away from me. And it just makes me so sad to think that that will be the case. Because it won't be so easy to see each other. Skype dates are great, yeah. And we are lucky enough that right now we can Skype at least 4/5 days out of the week. But I know that things are going to be changing, and really soon in the grand scheme of things. And it really worries and upsets me. And of course I'm afraid to bring it up, BIG SURPRISE! The distance kills me already. I was there the last two weekends with him, and on the ride home Sunday, I cried probably 2 1/2 hours straight. I literally just couldn't stop. Because I wanted nothing more than to just be there and stay with him. Because with him, everything just seems right. Everything fits. We just fit together like two peas in a pod. I have finally reached a level of acceptance about him having aides around a good portion of the time, and his needs, especially in the morning and at night. I am very thankful for them, and he has some really great aides right now.
I just don't want to lose him because of distance. I don't graduate until May of 2017. And I will be student teaching that Spring. I know in my heart that it will all work out in the long run. But right now, I am just stressing over the unknown. And I can't even bare to verbalize it all. Because it's just so jumbled and unknown at this point. I know I shouldn't be worked up about this, because right now, I don't even know when I'm going to see him again. It's just all so overwhelming right now. In less than a month we will celebrate our 6 month anniversary. Well, I will at least because I'm going to pull the gender card here and say, he's a guy and doesn't necessarily think about these things, LOL. But I really found the man of my dreams here. It is an honest and true feeling. His words just fill my heart with happiness and love. It's just something that I have never felt before. And it's something that I never want to let go of <3
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
No, It Won't Change
Yay, another blog post this week! I really enjoyed my last post, and I hope that others did. I love Miss Illi and chatting about her. However, I need to take a little more of a serious turn in this.
I saw a post on Facebook that really got my mind thinking. Since I started dating a guy in a wheelchair, I have gotten plenty of questions and comments from various persons in my life. Most of the questions and comments have been reasonable, others are the frustrating and eventually painful questions that every SO of a person who has been paralyzed faces. While I have only been with LQ for 5 months, there are always reactions and questions.
Honestly, after I tell people about LQ and that he is a C5 quadriplegic, the first reaction is usually "OMG" or "What exactly does that mean". Truthfully, I like having people ask certain questions and showing interest in my relationship and me. The one big question is "What Happened?" I don't mind that question. People are just naturally curious. So, I explain to them the swimming accident and the injury to the best of my knowledge. Explaining to them though that the injury is complete is sometimes hard for them to swallow. When an injury is as severe (or I just refer to it as high) as LQ's is, it's hard for people to accept sometimes. When I tell people that his hands are completely paralyzed and his triceps are completely paralyzed as well. I usually need to explain things in pretty basic terms. They understand that his hands are paralyzed. However, I usually need to explain that he cannot straighten his arms through his own will. It's all gravity that takes care of that. He cannot lift his arms above his head, his triceps would control that. So, it's usually when people hear these things that you begin to hear the "Oh my, I'm so sorry".
But what really brought this on was reading a story on a Facebook group. It is a support group for Wives and Girlfriends of Men with SCI. Even though I am a Dev, going to this group really helps because there are many questions and situations that these women have been in that I have not been in yet and that they know a lot more about. I was reading though about a woman whose husband recovered from his SCI after 10 years and is now walking and no longer needs his wheelchair and hospital bed. This has made me really think. When I started to tell my friends and co workers about LQ and I, I told them he was a quadriplegic. And of course, people always ask the question, "Will he ever recover?"
Well, recover is a loaded word. Recover in the physical sense? Well, what physical sense? Will his spinal cord heal on its own? No, it won't. He has been a complete quadriplegic for 11 years, there isn't going to be a magical cure all the sudden. But has he recovered physically to the point that he is able to not only function but thrive in society? Yes, he totally has. Sometimes I feel like he is able to function better in society than I can. He sometimes has more of a will to function in society than I do. Of course he has pretty much recovered in the mental and emotional sense. Of course, there are always going to be days that people struggle. We all have them. But after becoming a high level quad at 14, I would say that LQ has recovered pretty well now that he is going to be graduating from Law School in a few months.
It is really important for people to realize that not every person with a spinal cord injury can make these miraculous recoveries that the media likes to discuss. The media always likes to add in "feel good stories" or "disabled porn". These are the things that people want to hear and read. People don't want to hear that the injuries won't change, that people won't make a recovery. And it is frustrating to hear people ask that all the time. Especially when the person is well adjusted. Understand that the adjustment isn't always an easy one. It takes a lot of pain, a lot of frustration, and a lot of fighting to get back to the new normal. It's important to keep pushing forward, not trying to change the unchangeable.
I saw a post on Facebook that really got my mind thinking. Since I started dating a guy in a wheelchair, I have gotten plenty of questions and comments from various persons in my life. Most of the questions and comments have been reasonable, others are the frustrating and eventually painful questions that every SO of a person who has been paralyzed faces. While I have only been with LQ for 5 months, there are always reactions and questions.
Honestly, after I tell people about LQ and that he is a C5 quadriplegic, the first reaction is usually "OMG" or "What exactly does that mean". Truthfully, I like having people ask certain questions and showing interest in my relationship and me. The one big question is "What Happened?" I don't mind that question. People are just naturally curious. So, I explain to them the swimming accident and the injury to the best of my knowledge. Explaining to them though that the injury is complete is sometimes hard for them to swallow. When an injury is as severe (or I just refer to it as high) as LQ's is, it's hard for people to accept sometimes. When I tell people that his hands are completely paralyzed and his triceps are completely paralyzed as well. I usually need to explain things in pretty basic terms. They understand that his hands are paralyzed. However, I usually need to explain that he cannot straighten his arms through his own will. It's all gravity that takes care of that. He cannot lift his arms above his head, his triceps would control that. So, it's usually when people hear these things that you begin to hear the "Oh my, I'm so sorry".
But what really brought this on was reading a story on a Facebook group. It is a support group for Wives and Girlfriends of Men with SCI. Even though I am a Dev, going to this group really helps because there are many questions and situations that these women have been in that I have not been in yet and that they know a lot more about. I was reading though about a woman whose husband recovered from his SCI after 10 years and is now walking and no longer needs his wheelchair and hospital bed. This has made me really think. When I started to tell my friends and co workers about LQ and I, I told them he was a quadriplegic. And of course, people always ask the question, "Will he ever recover?"
Well, recover is a loaded word. Recover in the physical sense? Well, what physical sense? Will his spinal cord heal on its own? No, it won't. He has been a complete quadriplegic for 11 years, there isn't going to be a magical cure all the sudden. But has he recovered physically to the point that he is able to not only function but thrive in society? Yes, he totally has. Sometimes I feel like he is able to function better in society than I can. He sometimes has more of a will to function in society than I do. Of course he has pretty much recovered in the mental and emotional sense. Of course, there are always going to be days that people struggle. We all have them. But after becoming a high level quad at 14, I would say that LQ has recovered pretty well now that he is going to be graduating from Law School in a few months.
It is really important for people to realize that not every person with a spinal cord injury can make these miraculous recoveries that the media likes to discuss. The media always likes to add in "feel good stories" or "disabled porn". These are the things that people want to hear and read. People don't want to hear that the injuries won't change, that people won't make a recovery. And it is frustrating to hear people ask that all the time. Especially when the person is well adjusted. Understand that the adjustment isn't always an easy one. It takes a lot of pain, a lot of frustration, and a lot of fighting to get back to the new normal. It's important to keep pushing forward, not trying to change the unchangeable.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Service Dog Life
So, I just returned from my latest visit with LegalQuad. It was absolutely wonderful. It was his birthday and I just needed to be there with him. It is the first time that we have been together since before Thanksgiving and a lot has been going on. I was supposed to go there a few weeks ago, however we got into an argument just before I was supposed to go, and I made the decision that I was too frustrated to go. However, I kicked myself for two weeks because of it. It was a hard decision. But it was one that I needed to make.
Back to this weekend though. I left Friday after work. After 3 1/2 hours on the bus and a 10 minute cab ride, I was there. Finally <3
After letting him know I was downstairs waiting for him, He came and greeted me with Illi, his service dog in tow. This girl is too funny. She is a 75 lb golden retriever, and she things that she is a lap dog. When she sees someone that she knows, she is all over them like white on rice. This includes me now LOL. Well, we get up to his apartment and Illi wasn't having it that he and I wanted to cuddle and kiss. She kept jumping up on both of us, licking us and squeaking. Finally she settled down a little, we had some us time, and then went out into the living room to watch TV. Well, while we were watching TV Illi decided to have some fun with my fleece coat and ate a huge hole in the middle of it. I'm not sure if this is out of excitement that she does this to my sweaters and hoodies, or out of jealousy. But, it's the second time she's done this now. Oh well, could be worse I guess.
I said right away on Saturday though that I wanted to do this blog post. Because even though we went to the State Fair together and he had Illi with him, Saturday was really the first time that we had been out together since we started dating. Of course, Illi came with us. She was well behaved as usual, but it was really eye opening what it's like to be out with a service dog. We took the bus to a large local mall. I was on the bus with them before, and Illi was well behaved. Saturday though, she just couldn't get herself in a good position. She was trying really hard to get herself into a small spot, but she just couldn't get herself in there. So, she ended up laying in the middle of an aisle. Not exactly the ideal spot for a 75 lb dog. I ultimately needed to take her and hold her over by me to get her out of the way. I didn't mind doing this, and she didn't mind, but in a way I felt like I was overstepping my boundaries because she is his Service Dog. But, it worked out in the end.
While in the mall, you would have honestly thought that Illi was on display. I didn't fully mind really. Of course kids are going to see a dog and freak out and squeal about seeing a "doggy" or "puppy". What got to me though, were all the people that kept pointing out Illi. Both to their kids and to other adults. Yes, it's a dog. Please don't keep acting like you have never seen a dog before. You see her attached to LegalQuad's chair, you see her red vest with patches, because people kept making comments about her being a service dogs. And honestly, by the end of the day I was really frustrated and really wanted to yell at people about it. Because I don't know if it's just a lack of knowledge or straight ignorance for the fact that she is a working dog. I did hear some parents educating their children, telling them that they aren't supposed to touch the doggy because it's working and helping. Those are the people I love to hear. Because it's so important for people to be educated on service dogs. Even while we were out to dinner, a server (who wasn't ours) kept coming around and commenting on Illi. It was really that that set me off. Because everyone else in the restaurant was great. They moved a second chair even so that Illi had extra room to lay under the table out of the way. I was really impressed with how the restaurant handled Illi. Luckily, we did't run into any access problems. Just with the public that doesn't know the proper etiquette for people with service dogs.
I don't know if people in the regular "disability world" consider public speaking about disabilities as "disability porn" like I hear and read in Dev/PWD forums, but I would never object to Legalquad doing this someday. And maybe it's because I work with students with disabilities, and even though they have different disabilities than LQ does, I still see the way so many of them look at my aunt, who is a teacher in the same building, who has been in a wheelchair since she was 15, and they just have a different level of respect for her. Truthfully, I really do believe that LQ has so much to offer knowledge wise, and educating people is the best way to change the way that people treat persons with disabilities. I have digressed here. But it may be another post somewhere down the line.
Illi is a very lucky dog. She is well loved, well taken care of, and quite the princess. She is also a very hard working dog, and does her tasks well. I know that I am thankful for her, and she's not even mine :)

Miss Thing herself.

My man and his girl.
Back to this weekend though. I left Friday after work. After 3 1/2 hours on the bus and a 10 minute cab ride, I was there. Finally <3
After letting him know I was downstairs waiting for him, He came and greeted me with Illi, his service dog in tow. This girl is too funny. She is a 75 lb golden retriever, and she things that she is a lap dog. When she sees someone that she knows, she is all over them like white on rice. This includes me now LOL. Well, we get up to his apartment and Illi wasn't having it that he and I wanted to cuddle and kiss. She kept jumping up on both of us, licking us and squeaking. Finally she settled down a little, we had some us time, and then went out into the living room to watch TV. Well, while we were watching TV Illi decided to have some fun with my fleece coat and ate a huge hole in the middle of it. I'm not sure if this is out of excitement that she does this to my sweaters and hoodies, or out of jealousy. But, it's the second time she's done this now. Oh well, could be worse I guess.
I said right away on Saturday though that I wanted to do this blog post. Because even though we went to the State Fair together and he had Illi with him, Saturday was really the first time that we had been out together since we started dating. Of course, Illi came with us. She was well behaved as usual, but it was really eye opening what it's like to be out with a service dog. We took the bus to a large local mall. I was on the bus with them before, and Illi was well behaved. Saturday though, she just couldn't get herself in a good position. She was trying really hard to get herself into a small spot, but she just couldn't get herself in there. So, she ended up laying in the middle of an aisle. Not exactly the ideal spot for a 75 lb dog. I ultimately needed to take her and hold her over by me to get her out of the way. I didn't mind doing this, and she didn't mind, but in a way I felt like I was overstepping my boundaries because she is his Service Dog. But, it worked out in the end.
While in the mall, you would have honestly thought that Illi was on display. I didn't fully mind really. Of course kids are going to see a dog and freak out and squeal about seeing a "doggy" or "puppy". What got to me though, were all the people that kept pointing out Illi. Both to their kids and to other adults. Yes, it's a dog. Please don't keep acting like you have never seen a dog before. You see her attached to LegalQuad's chair, you see her red vest with patches, because people kept making comments about her being a service dogs. And honestly, by the end of the day I was really frustrated and really wanted to yell at people about it. Because I don't know if it's just a lack of knowledge or straight ignorance for the fact that she is a working dog. I did hear some parents educating their children, telling them that they aren't supposed to touch the doggy because it's working and helping. Those are the people I love to hear. Because it's so important for people to be educated on service dogs. Even while we were out to dinner, a server (who wasn't ours) kept coming around and commenting on Illi. It was really that that set me off. Because everyone else in the restaurant was great. They moved a second chair even so that Illi had extra room to lay under the table out of the way. I was really impressed with how the restaurant handled Illi. Luckily, we did't run into any access problems. Just with the public that doesn't know the proper etiquette for people with service dogs.
I don't know if people in the regular "disability world" consider public speaking about disabilities as "disability porn" like I hear and read in Dev/PWD forums, but I would never object to Legalquad doing this someday. And maybe it's because I work with students with disabilities, and even though they have different disabilities than LQ does, I still see the way so many of them look at my aunt, who is a teacher in the same building, who has been in a wheelchair since she was 15, and they just have a different level of respect for her. Truthfully, I really do believe that LQ has so much to offer knowledge wise, and educating people is the best way to change the way that people treat persons with disabilities. I have digressed here. But it may be another post somewhere down the line.
Illi is a very lucky dog. She is well loved, well taken care of, and quite the princess. She is also a very hard working dog, and does her tasks well. I know that I am thankful for her, and she's not even mine :)

Miss Thing herself.

My man and his girl.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
When You Aren't Physically There
So, I have learned a lot over the last few months about how difficult it is to be in a long distance relationship as well as how difficult it is to be in a relationship with someone with a physical disability. One of those difficulties is not being able to physically be there when something is wrong. Or, even not knowing that something is wrong. Yes, there are usually warning signs of some sort. However, you never truly know if something is wrong if you aren't told. And when your main form of communication is through texting, trying to find out if something is wrong isn't always the easiest.
One thing that I have not experienced with legalquad yet is an Autonomic Dysreflexia episode. AD is a fairly common occurrence among persons with higher levels of spinal cord injuries. It is scary though, and can be potentially life threatening. If left untreated or the cause is not determined, it can ultimately result in death from high blood pressure, so it is not something to joke around with. It is honestly what scares me the most of anything. And believe you me, Legalquad and I have had many conversations about it and my worry.
Even though I have no witnessed an AD episode, I have talked to him just before and just after a couple of them. And truthfully, they just scare me. But I need to know about them also. For me, it is an important aspect of our relationship and the distance to know these things. Even though it kills me to know that there is absolutely nothing that I can do to help him. And maybe it is my over-sensitivity to the AD episodes that has made it where he didn't want to tell me about these episodes. He had an episode today that was apparently quite severe. And I didn't know. I knew that something wasn't right today, but I didn't know what. He just wasn't talking to me this morning/afternoon. I didn't know why. Honestly, the selfish part of me thought that he was angry with me because I went to bed last night without Skyping. OK, maybe the more paranoid part of me. But it's part of why communication is so much of a key factor. Because I don't know these things. I'm glad that he is OK though. Even though he opted to try to protect me from it all, in fear of scaring me away, I'm just upset about the way he went about it.
And of course I'm upset about the fact that I can't physically be there for him either. It is the part of the ldr that breaks me the most. Because we both have times where we just need each other, and I can't do anything about it. But it breaks my heart when he tries so hard to protect me from it also.
One thing that I have not experienced with legalquad yet is an Autonomic Dysreflexia episode. AD is a fairly common occurrence among persons with higher levels of spinal cord injuries. It is scary though, and can be potentially life threatening. If left untreated or the cause is not determined, it can ultimately result in death from high blood pressure, so it is not something to joke around with. It is honestly what scares me the most of anything. And believe you me, Legalquad and I have had many conversations about it and my worry.
Even though I have no witnessed an AD episode, I have talked to him just before and just after a couple of them. And truthfully, they just scare me. But I need to know about them also. For me, it is an important aspect of our relationship and the distance to know these things. Even though it kills me to know that there is absolutely nothing that I can do to help him. And maybe it is my over-sensitivity to the AD episodes that has made it where he didn't want to tell me about these episodes. He had an episode today that was apparently quite severe. And I didn't know. I knew that something wasn't right today, but I didn't know what. He just wasn't talking to me this morning/afternoon. I didn't know why. Honestly, the selfish part of me thought that he was angry with me because I went to bed last night without Skyping. OK, maybe the more paranoid part of me. But it's part of why communication is so much of a key factor. Because I don't know these things. I'm glad that he is OK though. Even though he opted to try to protect me from it all, in fear of scaring me away, I'm just upset about the way he went about it.
And of course I'm upset about the fact that I can't physically be there for him either. It is the part of the ldr that breaks me the most. Because we both have times where we just need each other, and I can't do anything about it. But it breaks my heart when he tries so hard to protect me from it also.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Sorry for the late post. As the lovely Quadlover mentioned before I am a C-5 quadriplegic injured at the end of August 2004, and I am currently a law student in my third and final year at the local law school. In my career I plan on working in public interest law with a particular focus in disability law.
In addition I have a strong interest in sports, particular my favorite two baseball and football. I am a big Yankees and Giants fan with an intense passion for each of the teams.I also enjoy playing NCAA football on ps2 (old fashioned I know) and civilization v on my Mac.
The other girl in my life is my four year old golden retriever service dog.She helps me with stuff like opening doors,lights, and being my de facto doorbell lol.
Finding out about devotees and finding Quadlover in particular has been a revelation of sorts.I always thought I would be in relationships with women who loved me DESPITE my disability and never really imagined it being an attraction factor.However unbeknownst to me a whole community of men and women exist who value and even prefer relationships with PWDs (People with disabilities) ! 😁
This has been an amazing eye opener to me although sometimes I feel guilty for not being able to do spontaneous things that boyfriends typically do and it is frustrating at times,but overall I think we have a good thing going here.😄 Feel free to ask me any questions or post comments belong. Just don't be an asshat.
In addition I have a strong interest in sports, particular my favorite two baseball and football. I am a big Yankees and Giants fan with an intense passion for each of the teams.I also enjoy playing NCAA football on ps2 (old fashioned I know) and civilization v on my Mac.
The other girl in my life is my four year old golden retriever service dog.She helps me with stuff like opening doors,lights, and being my de facto doorbell lol.
Finding out about devotees and finding Quadlover in particular has been a revelation of sorts.I always thought I would be in relationships with women who loved me DESPITE my disability and never really imagined it being an attraction factor.However unbeknownst to me a whole community of men and women exist who value and even prefer relationships with PWDs (People with disabilities) ! 😁
This has been an amazing eye opener to me although sometimes I feel guilty for not being able to do spontaneous things that boyfriends typically do and it is frustrating at times,but overall I think we have a good thing going here.😄 Feel free to ask me any questions or post comments belong. Just don't be an asshat.
Give and Take
So, 2 posts in 1 day. How lucky for everyone. This is part of my re-grouping. I need to post to let things out before I burst from all the pent up thoughts and everything. 4 months, it's not a long time for a relationship, at least not in the grand scheme of things. But for me, it's the longest relationship I have ever been in, especially since I was diagnosed with bipolar II and borderline personality disorder. It hasn't been the easiest for me to have a normal, semi-healthy relationship, and most people I have met haven't really known or wanted to know how to handle the meltdowns and crap that come with mental illness and me. So, really I had given up on relationships and people understanding what it's like trying to date a girl with mental illnesses.
Now, insert new found Devness. I went looking to fulfill that feeling that I had had for so long. And along came my boyfriend. We talked online for a couple of months before meeting in person, and after meeting in person I knew that he was the one for me. What our relationship consists a lot of though is give and take. And honestly, I do feel like it is me giving a lot. And for good reason I know. I know that physically he could not come here and spend the night. He can't just jump on any Greyhound bus and come to me. He can't just get any hotel room. Most things in life for him cannot be spontaneous. And really, for the most part, I am OK with that. Key phrase there though is "for the most part". Then there are days like today. I will be visiting him in a couple of weeks. We haven't seen each other in almost 2 months. It will be over 2 months by the time that we do. After that visit I will be back 2 weeks after that for his birthday. Which, I don't mind. But the selfish part of me got thinking about it all. The amount that I give. And how sometimes it's just not fair. Because I know that unless he is still in his apartment in May, and I make the plans, I won't see him for my birthday. And in a way, he's OK with that. But am I? I truthfully don't know. Because there just has to be some way. It is all part of that give in take. Sometimes I feel like I am doing a lot more of the giving than the taking. Even though I know that he has to deal with the emotional parts of me. But that is a two way street also. It is a very tough call. Because it is something that you just need to deal with when you are dating someone with a high level spinal cord injury. It is part of the life that no one really prepares you for. It is part of the hoops that you need to jump through to stay a couple, and persevere through to make it to the other side when you can actually be together. But on this night, with these thoughts, this give and take kinda sucks.
Difficult Few Weeks
This has been an incredibly difficult couple of weeks for Legalquad and I. He has decided that he doesn't want to do this blog. It is difficult for him when it comes to writing. He has no voluntary use of his hands. Because he is a C5 quad, the only functional movement he has in his arms are his shoulders and biceps. He cannot feel the outside of his arms at all, can feel his biceps and just below a little. So, when it comes to typing, it is not exactly doable. He does use Dragon dictation. That is how he has done his work for school all these years. For everything else, he usually uses his iPad and iPhone. Apple is very much accessibility friendly. So, for him to try to do this blog, it was just taking too much time that he doesn't really have/didn't really feel like investing in this. So, we have a Tumblr blog also that he more or less will run.
Things have been difficult between us. Obviously since he is home, he is spending time with his family, which is great. But, I am honestly a little jealous. I'll get over it. But it is taking a toll on our relationship. We haven't seen each other in 2 months, and that is killing me. We will celebrate Christmas together in a couple weeks. A couple of weeks ago I decided that I was going to try to be nice and buy him new wrist braces. He wears them all the time and prefers to have stiff wrists instead of floppy wrists. Well, the velcro that were on his braces were giving out and the braces were virtually useless. So, I order braces online that I thought were the same as what he had. They weren't. And these ones have latex in them. Guess who's allergic to latex? If you guessed Legalquad, you're right. So, this caused him to break out and one of the hives opened up, so now he has a small open sore on his arm from me. I was a mess. I just kept saying that I broke my boyfriend. I felt (and still feel) incredibly guilty. That guilt is just eating me alive. I ordered new (and correct) ones this time, and he should have them Tuesday when he gets to school. It will make me feel better once he is using those instead of the ones that have latex. His dad was angry about it, and his mom was concerned of course. And watching all of them flipping out didn't help how I felt about everything. And honestly, I just keep replaying that night in my head.
I feel just very distant from everyone right now. I know that it's me. But I just feel like I'm at a loss lately. This time of year is hard for me. And that is part of the problem. I get on Skype and barely talk, because of the depression. And I just feel so guilty about everything. I just feel very alone, and the distance between us (physical distance) isn't helping at all.
Things have been difficult between us. Obviously since he is home, he is spending time with his family, which is great. But, I am honestly a little jealous. I'll get over it. But it is taking a toll on our relationship. We haven't seen each other in 2 months, and that is killing me. We will celebrate Christmas together in a couple weeks. A couple of weeks ago I decided that I was going to try to be nice and buy him new wrist braces. He wears them all the time and prefers to have stiff wrists instead of floppy wrists. Well, the velcro that were on his braces were giving out and the braces were virtually useless. So, I order braces online that I thought were the same as what he had. They weren't. And these ones have latex in them. Guess who's allergic to latex? If you guessed Legalquad, you're right. So, this caused him to break out and one of the hives opened up, so now he has a small open sore on his arm from me. I was a mess. I just kept saying that I broke my boyfriend. I felt (and still feel) incredibly guilty. That guilt is just eating me alive. I ordered new (and correct) ones this time, and he should have them Tuesday when he gets to school. It will make me feel better once he is using those instead of the ones that have latex. His dad was angry about it, and his mom was concerned of course. And watching all of them flipping out didn't help how I felt about everything. And honestly, I just keep replaying that night in my head.
I feel just very distant from everyone right now. I know that it's me. But I just feel like I'm at a loss lately. This time of year is hard for me. And that is part of the problem. I get on Skype and barely talk, because of the depression. And I just feel so guilty about everything. I just feel very alone, and the distance between us (physical distance) isn't helping at all.
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